When using Wildix Collaboration and the Wildix for Zendesk Support integration you can generate reports based on the information in Zendesk Explore. Due to Zendesk's mechanism for CTI integrations calls have some defaults that can't be changed. Tickets that are created with Wildix for Zendesk will by default always have API as Ticket Channel. To achieve a report with the source of a ticket, this will require the setup of a separate Ticket Field.
As conversations live, tickets could contain multiple interactions from multiple channels. To report on the number of calls it is best to use the Support: Ticket updates dataset. In this guide we will cover how you can setup a custom query in Zendesk Explore that contains the number of calls that were reported in Zendesk.
- Open Zendesk Explore and navigate to the Queries in the left navigation bar.
- Create a new query by clicking on the New query button in the top-right corner.
- Choose Support followed by Ticket updates.
- Select the Support: Ticket updates [default] dataset and confirm by clicking on the New query button in the bottom on the screen.
- Click on Add > in the Metrics, click on Updates, and select Updates.
- Click on Add > in the Columns, click on Time - Ticket update, select Update - Date.
- In the left bar under Columns the Update - Date item will appear. Click on the Edit date ranges button and select the desired date range. Confirm by pressing Apply.
- Click on Add > in the Rows, click on Ticket update, and select Update channel.
- In the left bar under Rows the Update channel item will appear. Click on the attribute and select the checkboxes next to API Phone call inbound and API Phone call outbound. Confirm by pressing Apply.
- Click on the Chart icon in the right sidebar to choose a Visualization type.
- Select Column and click on the Chart icon again to close the screen.
- Change the Title of the top of the query where it shows New query and choose Save in the top right.
You have now created a chart that visualizes the number of calls per day that also shows the direction of the call next to each other.