Phone Calls are billed according to the monthly updated Call Charges. However, in certain special cases surcharges are applied to calls. This happens in the following scenarios:
- Non-EEA to EEA calls
When calls are setup to a country European country, with a FROM phone number (CLI) originating outside the European Economic Area, a special surcharge rate of 0.25 EUR per minute will be added on top of the regular Call Charges. - Invalid FROM phone number
Customers are obliged to use a valid FROM phone number (CLI) when making calls on the platforms of our carriers.
A surcharge rate of 0.25 EUR per minute will be added on top of the regular Call Charges for calls matching the following criteria:
- Missing CLI in FROM, PAID or Remote Party ID SIP header
- CLI is too short (<5 digits)
- CLI is too long (15> digits)
- CLI is not associated with a valid country prefix (e.g. +31)