Wildix Mobility Extension allows you to use your cellular phone as an extension of your Wildix extension. It unifies your mobile number with your account in the system and recognizes your calls as a call from your account. This also means your mobile number will be seen as an internal call when you are calling your organization and when you are placing a call to your mobile phone number you will see two calls appear in your Collaboration account.
Connected to this your mobile number will also be visible to anyone that has visibility of your account in Wildix Collaboration, depending on the ACL settings.
To edit your mobile number follow the steps below:
- Open Collaboration and sign in with your personal account.
- Go to Settings and select the Personal tab.
- Change your mobile number in the field Mobile.
- Confirm by pressing Save.
The mobile number should be entered as a valid E.164 phone number, just like this: +31612345678