Wildix Collaboration uses the speakers and microphone of your device. As your device can have multiple speakers and microphones connected it's important to select the right speaker and microphone. When you are using a Headset you might also want to use a different speaker when the phone is ringing.
To setup your Web Phone follow the steps below:
- Open Collaboration and sign in with your personal account.
- Go to Settings and select the Web Phone tab.
- Select the device you would like to use for each purpose:
- Speakers – Used for the audio of your calls
- Ringing – Used to playback the ringtone
- Microphone – Used for the audio of your calls
- Video – Used for the video of your video calls
- Check if you turned on Autostart.
- Confirm by pressing Save.
- Once saved you might want to check if your setup is working correctly by starting the Echo Test. The system will prompt you to speak after the beep and it will playback your audio to validate if your microphone is working correctly.
Notice When you are using Krisp for noise-canceling, select the virtual Krisp speaker and microphone and select the device you would like to use within Krisp. In the Krisp Help Center you can find more information how to setup Krisp.